September 29, 2018

Constant Struggle

Having both severe depression and anxiety is really exhausting. It’s a constant struggle between caring too much and not caring at all. I often retreat from social situations because of how hard it is for me to even try to make plans. I don’t like uncertainty. It makes me panicky. And if anything changes it’s sometimes incomprehensible. Depression makes you think and believe horrible things about yourself and anxiety makes you worry that maybe everyone else feels that way about you too. Social settings can be difficult because you’re not always able to shake that feeling. I don’t really care what people think about me but i will be uncomfortable around people due to my feelings about myself. It’s hard not to overthink and to overreact. Little things are huge obstacles or problems to you and it’s very real. You honestly really believe that you are inadequate and you can’t shake it. I’ve been struggling a lot with my anxiety lately. I think so many awful things about myself and even if I know I’m being irrational it’s not a thought process I can easily break. I’m tense in essentially every single circumstance. When you have generalized anxiety you have no moments of relaxation whatsoever.

Please bare with me guys when I’m in social situations. Im trying my best.

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