November 9
Self-Image Does Not Equal Self-Worth
I’ve been feeling a lot of shame for the past few months. It’s held me back from posting and talking openly. As some of you might know, I am pretty much an open book-there isn’t much that I am uncomfortable talking about. It’s so easy for me to talk about my anxiety, depression, trauma, etc., […]
April 13
There is Always Hope
I know myself well enough to know I am not doing well. As much as I encourage others to reach out, I still struggle to myself. It has played a big part in my writing and posting lately. I used to be so fearless talking about things that I was struggling with and now I’m […]
January 20
I’m Getting Bad Again
The only thing in my head is, “You should have went back and jumped off that bridge. You should have went back. You should have tried again. You should have tried again.” And it’s repeating itself over and over again. The last time I was on that bridge was two years ago and I still […]
January 11
Depression and Anxiety Have Taken a Hold of Me
Found this note on my computer from two years ago. It is still very relevant and accurate to how I feel today. Mental Health is an ongoing battle and a very slow moving recovery process. There will always be triumphs, setbacks and downfalls. Recovery isn’t linear. I have so much to share and to say, […]
November 24
5 Hours
I’ve only been awake for 5 hours and it feels like too long. All I want to do is crawl back into my bed and burrito myself up in a pile of blankets staring at the wall numb until I either feel something or fall asleep. The only thing I’ve been feeling lately is disappointment. […]
May 7
All or Nothing
How often do you tell yourself it’s just one more day, as you put something off once again? This is something I find myself doing quite often- to the point where I am actually ashamed to talk about it. I put things off for so long that I will actually stop doing things completely. It’s […]
January 8
Perpetually Sad and Tired
Depression has this funny way of making you tired all the time. It doesn’t matter how much sleep you have gotten or how little energy you use- you will always be extremely tired. I’ve always struggled with chronic fatigue but lately it’s been hitting me harder and taking a toll on me so much more. […]
December 12
Inadequate is a word that I use to describe myself. I grew up believing that I was not good enough, I was not worthy, and I was in every sense- inadequate. Even to this day I still believe those things. I see all the negatives, all my flaws and I truly believe I will never […]
November 13
When a Flower Doesn’t Bloom, Fix The Environment Not The Flower
I always say that things have to get worse before they get better, and while I do believe that’s true- I do also believe we can play a part in how bad we allow things to get. I’ve always kind of been one to just let things happen and play things out even if I […]
October 27
Depression Lies to You
Sometimes I find myself fighting with my emotions and trying to bottle them up. I know feeling things and showing emotions are good but there are moments where having them make me feel weak. Makes me feel like I am incapable of handling things on my own. I so badly want to feel unaffected by […]