March 28, 2018

The Storm Will Pass

The Storm Will Pass

I have been struggling a lot lately, More than usual. It’s hard for me to believe at times that it will pass or get better. Some days are obviously better than others, and some are way worse. Both can teach you different things. Sometimes you have glimpses of hope during the good days and the bad show you how strong you really are-even when you don’t feel like it. I’ve had more bad days than good lately and although I feel weak lately, I am impressed with my ability to keep going and to still talk so openly about it. I love connecting with others who are struggling too, we can listen and support each other and we all need that- whether we can admit it or not. It’s okay to need support. I wish I could do this on my own and I don’t know if I’m too proud to admit that I need other people but it’s about time I come to terms with that. We all need other people. Whether it be friends, family, counsellors, or fellow struggling individuals, we need to support one another. I am always here for anyone who needs to talk, vent, ask advice or get resources. Take it from someone who spent many hours crying in her car lastnight- the storm isn’t always pretty and more often than not you feel hopeless and it seems like it will never end, but once you ride out the storm- you will come out on top. My storm may have just begun but I’m confident through it all I’ll learn a lot and help others a lot. I get discouraged often but hearing from others who can relate makes me want to keep going and come out on top.

Depression really really sucks but I’m hoping that once I endure all this hell, I’ll be better for it and much wiser. As one of my favourite bands say, “There’s so much beauty in a storm.”

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